Consider with Einstein’s relativity, what we know about the time dilation as we get closer to the speed of light, the photon being massless and it’s odd behaviour in the double slit experiment

It leads me to deduce the following.

  • That there is no physical 3 dimensional end or edge to the universe
  • However, there is an invisible edge that can be precieved from a higher dimension. This edge actually exists everywhere..


  • Let me explain by examining the other dimensions.

1st Dimension (beings living on a straight line..

  • These beings have no clue that the edge of the universe is right there beside them. In their dimension, the universe is endless

2nd Dimension (beings living on a flat surface)

  • Once again, these beings have no clue that the edge of the universe is right there above and below them. In their dimension, the universe is endless

3rd dimension (us)

  • So I continue the past oberservation and deduce that in our 3 dimensions, the universe is endless, but from the higher dimension, it’s likely the edge is everywhere.. we can’t precieve it

NOTE* The edge of each dimension’s universe was simply at the cross over from that dimension to the next.

So what could this edge of the universe be?

Logic dictates that this edge is at the cross over from 3rd dimension to the 4th.

Getting to the edge means . that this edge has to be The edge of the universe only be seen from the next dimension. only be seen from the next dimension everywhere, it is simply a rate of speed away, no distance, just a rate of speed. That rate of speed would be speed of light.

With this in mind, I imagine falling into a black hole, at the event horizon, athe point at which you would exceed the speed of light,that you would simply exit the universe.

The only way to exit would be to become massless like a photon. But that’s not possible so therefore, you would never reach the event horizon, But instead, as you approach that speed or that horizon, you travel so far into the future, you actually reach the end of time, ie end of the universe. This explains why an observer could observe you for all time till the end of time falling towards the event horizon of a black hole. Hence your information is not destroyed, simply fast tracked thru time throughout the whole of time. This also leads me to believe there is no space, only time. Everything exists in the same place, only time ads the 3d dimension and action causing reaction reality. It also gives me a good understanding of why a god would create this universe, if a god did exist. Infact it explains just about everything about our universe, even quantum entanglement.